Best Web Analytics Tools


Best Web Analytics Tools

05/09/2022 12:00 AM by Admin in Analytics

1. Google Analytics
2. Clicky
3. Mint
4. Church Analytics
5. KISSmetrics
6. Open Web Analytics
7. Clicktale
8. CrazyEgg
9. Piwik
10. CloudFlare
It is important for you to keep track of your site and your traffic.

If you plan on turning your website into a business, you should be treating it as such, and no self-respecting businessman (or woman) would let the important stastics about their business no unnoticed, and for web businesses, understanding your traffic and thus your visitors themselves is key.

So find a good analytics tool from one of the above (or even another), try it out, measure your success with the information provided, change and tweak if needed, and keep your site moving in the right direction. 

Google Analytics is the best tool to analysis your web. This is the most commonly used by all. And it is good only.

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